Data scraping Facebook: a ‘feature’, not a bug

Data scraping Facebook: a ‘feature’, not a bug

Facebook is back in the spotlight today, after user data, apparently from a 2019 leak, was made available on a popular credential and personal information sales forum.

Fortunately, Australian users seem to have avoided being impacted by the leak, having instead being confused with Austrians – we’re not going to say these were sophisticated attackers.

Amusingly, the leak was facilitated by Facebook’s ability to search for users by personal information, such as mobile phone numbers and email addresses, meaning with enough time, attackers could search every possible phone number on the planet, and tag it against the resulting user profile.

Next time you’re using social media, review what information you’ve uploaded, as any of it could be used to identify you. Lock down your privacy settings, disable the ability to search for you via phone number, and remember to stay secure.

You can catch the full story here at WIRED.