About AssetCrypt

— protecting you on all fronts

AssetCrypt is founded on the belief that a high degree of both physical and digital security should be attainable for all businesses, and sets out to achieve this reality.

AssetCrypt was founded in 2020, following the sudden shift to ‘work from home’ situations for millions globally. With device management out of IT departments’ easy control, we were concerned with the inadvertent risks employees and their unmanaged devices presented to businesses worldwide.

Our primary focus for the 2020-21 period was to help mitigate the risks of remote working for small businesses through end user training and security awareness sessions. As the workplace slowly returns to normal and our team grows, we’re enjoying returning to the field to provide physical facility security services for these businesses too.

Our team and network enjoy the benefits of many diverse security backgrounds, each offering a different perspective on and unique response to issues. This diversity in education and experience allows us to reflect upon and consider threats posed in the real world from traditional physical security considerations to developing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. With this breadth of skill, it is our aim to provide a holistic assessment of your business’s security position, and allow you to respond in an informed manner.


Our ethos holds that end user training is just as important and effective as implementing secure device administration policies.